"To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead."
Thomas Paine

Friday, October 26, 2012

And so the UN comes to make sure your vote counts.


Just found out that the UN is planning on making a pit stop in Alabama.  I knew that several moronic libtard groups were whining to the UN about coming and "watching" polls as to keep voter intimidation from happening.  I know voter intimidation happens all the time.  Just look at the 2008 elections. 

If you will remember that during the 2008 elections, an incident occurred that sent shock-waves across the American Landscape.  That's right.  Armed men stood out in front of voting locations with billy clubs and made hateful, antagonistic and violence filled speech aimed at dissuading certain people from voting. 

These men, who had an agenda and continue to this day to spew out hatred without any worry of prosecution it seems.  These men were part of the New Black Panther party.  With their less than iconic leader "King" Shamir Shabazz, who's famous words of wisdom include "lets kill cracker babies" and lets not forget “You should be thankful we’re not running around here hanging crackers by nooses and all that kind of stuff — yet, yet, yet”.  

Well, with good wholesome folks like these at the poles, I can understand why the ACLU and other liberal groups want the UN to come on down.  Except for one thing.  When the DOJ had the opportunity to prosecute this moron and his followers the dropped the case.  Even after these morons failed to show up in federal court.  Now, I am not a super smart guy, but failing to appear in a FEDERAL Court is not like skipping out on a traffic ticket.  

So it perplexes me why (or should I say WHO) is the ALCU and other libtard groups so worried about that they would allow someone from outside of the country to come in and "watch" voting polls when the one chance the DOJ had to actually prosecute persons that were actually intimidating voters they let go?  I guess it was not the right kind of person who they were looking for to make an example of.  

So here comes the UN to the rescue.  Hey America, just give all your sovereignty away why don't you. 

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

And so it starts....

September 11th..... A day to sit and reflect on a event that put a deep black mark on this country. A day that we remember the ones we lost to evil. An evil that is cowardice and hides in the shadows, only to strike at innocent men, women and children.

Well on this day, that we remember those things what did I see take place? I saw the Cardashian Mom discuss breast implants during the time that every other network remembered those events. I sat and watch islamic extremists remove the American Flag in Ciro and an American and U.S. ambassador to Libya killed by islamic extremists and terrorists. Unacceptable!

 And to make it worse, we have an administration that has brought it to this point by inaction. They have brought us to this point by the words that they spoke or refused to say. This very group of people that want to destroy Israel and America are not spoken of by this admin. Its like if they don't talk about it they will disappear.

The very Prime Minister that comes to America to speak to its leader is shunned away. Why? One leader of a Sovereign Nation comes to talk to another and gets blown off. Must have been some important world changing event going on. Oh, yes. He couldn't meet with the Prime Minister of Israel because he had campaign fundraisers to go to and to get ready for the Letterman Show. Disgusting. I am sickened!

I pray that you wake up soon America.

Monday, September 3, 2012

I'm back!

Well, I have been a wee bit busy since my last post. I also noticed that its been almost a year and the my last lost was on September 11th of last year. It has been a wild year and I am honored to have a new addition to the house. She joined us in December and is a little reddish blond ray of sunshine. As we close in to this very important election year, I look over what has transpired over the last four. Never in any other time in American history has so much happens in a negative way towards a individual Americans rights, never has the debt been so high with no relief in sight and a president pushing the gas peddle to make it even worse. It seems that both the president and Congress have decided that we as individual Americans don't really matter anymore. I say to them...kiss off. I truely hope and pray that we can right the wrongs that we as a nation of individual Americans have allowed to happen. And make no mistake, we have allowed this. We allowed this through countless years of being silent. How about we break that trend.