"To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead."
Thomas Paine

Sunday, December 6, 2009

In Remembrance

Officer Philip Davis of Pelham Police Department was shot and killed Dec. 3rd, 2009.


Davis stopped motorist Bart Wayne Johnson in his Acura RL with license plate JCREW1 just before midnight Thursday on Interstate 65 near the tank farm. They spoke briefly about Johnson speeding, and the officer left to write Johnson a ticket.

When he returned, Johnson told him, "My brother's a policeman," authorities said.
The officer replied, "Why didn't you tell me that before? Let me have his name and number so I can tell him what happened."

Unprovoked and without another word, police said, Johnson fired one shot, striking Davis in the face. An oncoming motorist saw the officer go down and called 911. Davis was later pronounced dead at UAB Hospital.

By 1:45 a.m. Friday, Johnson, who has a string of traffic violations but no violent criminal history, was in police custody after he and his brother, Trussville police Officer Bill Johnson, stopped at a Hoover police roadblock on U.S. 31 at I-65.

The Guy that shot Officer Davis was a coward. I knew Off. Davis and he was not corrupt or abusive in his dealings with the public. Off. Davis was an honorable man and didn't deserve to be shot for no reason. And it was just that.... NO REASON. The guy told him that his brother was a cop. He was going to even help him out of the ticket...

"Why didn't you tell me that before? Let me have his name and number so I can tell him what happened."

Nothing justifies what he did. He was a coward.

........... I'm Out!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

In Remembrance

I want to take a moment in remembrance of the four Washington Officers that were killed by a insane coward who was Maurice Clemmons.

Sgt. Mark Renninger, Officers Ronald Owens, Tina Griswold, and Greg Richards were murdered by a coward who should have not been on the streets to commit this horrible tragedy. Its because of our current judicial systems leniency that this occurred.

People can blame Mike Huckabee for commuting his sentence from 108 years to 40 something. That still doesn't put him on the street. Its not just one person who is to blame on this.

I only feel sorrow for the families of the slain officers. This time of year should be a time of celebration, a time of morning.

As far as the Coward goes......... I feel comfort in the fact that he will not do anymore harm to anyone else and that he is right where he belongs.


Friday, November 20, 2009

In the mood for a little gun control?

I found this online.....


*Shooting in Butte , Montana*

Shotgun preteen vs.* illegal alien* Home Invaders:

Butte , Montana November 5, 2007Two illegal aliens, Raphael Resindez, 23, and Enrico Garza, 26, probably believed they would easily overpower home -alone 11 year old Patricia Harrington after her father had left their two-story home .

It seems the two crooks never learned two things: they were in Montana and Patricia had been a clay shooting champion since she was nine.

Patricia was in her upstairs room when the two men broke through the front door of the house. She quickly ran to her father's room and grabbed his 12 gauge Mossberg 500 shotgun.

Resindez was the first to get up to the second floor only to be the first to catch a near point blank blast of buckshot from the 11-year-old's knee crouch aim. He suffered fatal wounds to his abdomen and genitals.

When Garza ran to the foot of the stairs, he took a blast to the left shoulder and staggered out into the street where he bled to death before medical help could arrive.

It was found out later that Resindez was armed with a stolen 45 caliber handgun he took from another home invasion robbery. That victim, 50-year-old David Burien, was not so lucky. He died from stab wounds to the chest.

Ever wonder why good stuff never makes NBC, CBS, PBS, & MSNBC, CNN, or ABC news........an 11 year old girl, properly trained, defended her home and herself against two murderous, illegal aliens .......and she wins, she is still alive.

Now* **that* is Gun Control!


Now that's great.

"He that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one." (Luke 22:36 KJV)

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Maybe it only took 13 deaths to figure out what to do.

Feds move to seize 4 mosques, tower linked to Iran

Feds are gearing up to seize four U.S. mosques and a skyscraper owned by a Muslim organization long suspected of being secretly controlled by the Iranian government.....

Well its about time. I do not have a problem with any religion. As long as said religion does not promote the utter destruction of me, my family, my church, my city / state / country etc....

If the local baptist church, church of Christ and Jewish synagogue were in cahoots together to blow up school kids and grandmas, I would say seize their junk and call them the terrorist that they were acting like.

Take their stuff. Take their money. I don't feel sorry for them. Worship like you want, but if your religion actively promotes the killing of innocent people then your a moron and you deserve to have your mosque seized.

And all Gods children said..... Amen!


Yeah! Deathcare passed in the House.

It is now official. Half of the House of Reps is clinically insane and Pelosi is driving the padded wagon. I really think Pelosi is the great Satan. She has to have a pair of horns hiding under that wig of hers. I keep waiting for skin to snap back under her wig and reveal a little demon troll monster. Oh wait........ Never mind!

Hopefully we still have some Senators that have some sense.


Thursday, October 22, 2009

Just Who Do I Think I Am?...

I was actually accused today of being a hate mongering psycho.....Me? Wow, that was a first. So, I thought that I would just set the record straight. And just in case anyone is listening.

Being a heterosexual Christian white cop in the south, I sometime get accused of being some sort of power hungry racist or something. But, contrary to the beliefs of some dirt bag who is riding in the back of my patrol car because he decided to partake in the occupational field of street side pharmaceutical service and sale, thinks I'm a stupid racist cop.

Well for one, I am not racist. I could care less about what color you are. Don't believe me? Tough! You'll just have to take my word for it. Or you could ask my friends. They are not all cops, but they are not all white either.

I don't hate homosexuals. They are wrong, but I don't hate them. If that's what you want, then I don't want to know about it. I don't personally care what you do behind closed doors. And that's where that topic needs to stay. Not is public school where Safe School Czar Kevin Jennings wants to put it. I am raising my kids fine, thank you very much. I don't need that kind of help.
What am I then? Well, I am a Christian White Cop. You got me on that one. I am also a Father who wants his kids to grow up in a place like he grew up in. The "Land of the Free' and "Home of the Brave". Not the land of Socialism. Not the land of the government hand out. Give me a break. I don't want my kids to be slaves. And it appears that America is heading in that direction.

Maybe I am just a dumb cop from Alabama. It all just seems a little retarded to me. If my cars engine needs to be repaired, I am not going to spend money that I do not have to put environmentally friendly window tint on or buy a bunch of save to tree pine tree scented rearview mirror thingy's. I'm going to repair the freaking engine.

But that's what the government is doing. They are throwing so much money at stupid stuff that we are rapidly approaching who know what.

I am a American. I am a Patriot. I love this country. If I wanted socialism, I would go to China or, maybe...... hhhhmmmm.... North Korea. If you want socialism than take a hike.

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” That's what its all about. And Government is here to run it in the ground, right? NO! Government is here to secure those rights.

So, get out there and get a job Mr. Street Side Pharmaceutical Service and Sales Person. I mean a real job. Raise your kids away from that life. Teach them respect. Teach them what honor is. Teach them what is really means to be an American.


Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Safe School "Czar" Kevin Jennings... Are you kidding?

Has anyone heard the latest from Safe School Czar Kevin Jennings (appointed by the Obamanation)? He seems to think that public schools are forcefully indoctrinating our kids on heterosexuality. Are you kidding? He said Romeo and Juliet and school proms were used to basically brainwash kids into being straight.

I have a better idea. Keep your crazy ideals away from my kids. If you want to be a homosexual than that's on you. Don't try to make me think that its not wrong and stop kidding yourself. You are wrong. Stop making excuses on how or why you are right because you are not. If you are gay then I wish you the best in life, but you are still wrong. Don't push you ideas and views on me or my kids. I don't push my redneck white police officer ideas on you. Ethics and Morals have a place in my house and I'll take my kids out of public school before I let some nut job fill their heads with something I don't approve of.

And that's my job, to raise moral and ethical kids. That's not the job of the school. Reading Writing and Arithmatic. History and Science. Band, Football, Sports or whatever is your job. And Mr. Safe School Czar Kevin Jennings, it's your job to find way to make kids "SAFE" at school. I would consider that to be keeping kids safe from bullying or violence.

Lets take ethics or morality out of the equation for a minute. Biologically speaking, human reproductive systems only operate a certain way. It takes a man and a woman to make this work, no matter which way you look at it. Even if you have a homosexual couple that want a kid..... lets say for arguments sake, two women..... Invetrofertiliztion still requires a male.

Again, if you want to be wrong, just be wrong and don't try and convert me to your way of thinking.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Muammar Gaddafi really doesn't get America, does he?

I heard Muammar Gaddafi (well part of) his U.N. speech. Just enough to hear him say that he liked Obama and that he should be the President from now on.

Well brother! Barring some slick handed constitutional shenanigans, that won't happen. Two term limits are there for a reason. It looks like Obama will be voted out next election at his current rate. He is running this country into the ground as it is and serving to US up to terrorist.

Muammar Gaddafi looked horrible on top of it. He looked like someone wearing a Muammar Gaddafi mask.

Another point of interest. Obama cancelled the national day of prayer at the white house because he didn't want to offend anyone. Well on September 25th 50000 muslims are going to descend on Washington in celebration of the Islamic Day of Prayer at capital hill. That's just wrong. I am offended that Washington would cater to one religion over another. Where did all the separation of church and state go?


Thursday, September 17, 2009

The Faces of Terrorist.

Are we at war with terror? We were the last time I checked. So in saying that, those who are terrorist are our enemies, correct? What happens when those terrorist are Americans? That would be treason, right?

One of the "Liberty City Seven" wants to be released on Bail. Who are the "Liberty City Seven"? I'm glad you asked. The so-called "Liberty City Seven" were accused of plotting attacks in an alliance with al-Qaida. Chicago's Sears Tower and FBI offices were targets.

Do you want people running loose that want to kill you? Not me! Let them rot in jail. And that's being nice.

How about this one.....

Timothy James McVeigh. He even renounced his US Citizenship. We don't have to worry about him anymore.... But there are others out there.

Europe: Remember 9/11..... Train them young you insane misguided morons.

I'll remember 9/11. It was an act of WAR against the United States. Theses people hate us. Don't forget that.


Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Maybe Jimmy's Right...... or Left, I mean Wrong.

Honorable Former President, Jimmy Carter decided to basically call anyone who doesn't like the current Honorable President (Obama) a racist. So just because I don't want the country to slip trillions of more dollars in debt because of a health care plan that even I believe the president is not being truthful about, that means I am a racist. I could care less what color the man is. If Obama was a white man spewing the same heath care, socialist, nazi'esq propaganda, I would still disagree with him and not trust him. Heck, for that matter, Obama is a politician. I don't trust any politician. Red and Yellow, Black and White doesn't make no difference to me.

And one more thing..... Carter said, "The president is not only the head of government, he is the head of state," he said. "And no matter who he is or how much we disagree with his policies, the president should be treated with respect.". I agree that the Presidency is a respectable position. Maybe one day it will be a respectable position again. Clinton did some disrespectful things in office. Bush did some and Obama is following a similar path.


Monday, September 14, 2009

Here's Another Van Jones'ism.

“You’ve never seen a Columbine done by a black child. Never. They always say, ‘We can’t believe it happened here. We can’t believe it’s these suburban white kids.’ It’s only them. Now, a black kid might shoot another black kid. He’s not going to shoot up the whole school.”

Now, I'm not racist (even though I've been acused on several ocations). Thats what I get for being a white cop...... But is this guy really serious? I'm curious how many "black" kids are shot every year. And I'll admit, I've never heard of a black kid shooting up a school, but has Van Jones ever heard of the DC Sniper? John Allen Muhammad and Lee Boyd Malvo were black. Malvo was a kid. And John Allen Muhummad was a Muslim if it matters to ya. Their plan was to kill white people, pregnant women by shooting them in the stomach, then to kill a cop and kill even more at the funeral of the first officer. Then they were going to extort money from the Government and use it to train more orphaned youth in Canada to commit the same type of crimes.

But hey, they were not white, so it must be o.k. with Van Jones. Also. Just for the record. I believe that homicide is the leading cause of death among African Americans of school age kids. I may be wrong though?.?.?.


Million American March on DC

Did any one see this. This is awesome! To bad the president was conveniently out of town to see it. I've heard people saw that there was a poor showing of supporters. I'm not sure they were at the right place. Looks like more than a few folks to me.

Click here for video!

If the DC Police estimated (or only prepared) for several thousand and were complete overwhelmed, then were more than a few folks there. I think I read when some liberal news media groups were only saying there were less that 30,000 people. That video shows around the number that was present during the inauguration which was almost 2 million. That's a rather large discrepancy.

Maybe they (being the ones saying the there was a poor turn out) were watching the people that were in DC preparing for the flying of the communist China flag that is supposed to happen on the 26th of September. Now there is something we can all get behind. Lets celebrate the communist takeover of China by raising their flag in a place that is supposed to represent everything opposite of communism. That's a great idea. Why didn't someone think of that before now.......... They didn't because that is the stupidest idea in the history of moronic ideas.

I think a better idea would be to tie oneself to a rabid bull and throw it, along with you tied to it, out of a plane flying at about 30,000 feet. Then only to land in a razor blade and alcohol filled kiddy pool located on a concrete slab..... That may be a better idea. Brains, Get Some!


Kanye West is a Moron!

I know this has nothing to do with politics, other than the fact that Kanye West voted for Obama, but Kanye West is a complete and utter moron. If my daughter was receiving an award and some nut came up on stage to disrespect her........... Well I don't think he would have even made it on stage to begin with.

Here is the article.

I watched it from the article link. Just another knucklehead in action. I wonder if he is an ACORN supporter....... FREAK!


Friday, September 11, 2009

9/11 .......... I Remember.

Today is September 11th, 2009......... I remember!

I remember that on 9/11/2001 around 3000 innocent people were murdered by cowards. But lets get a little more specific, shall we?

Total number killed in attacks: 2,993
Number of passengers on Flight 11: 92
Number of passengers on Flight 17: 64
Number of passengers on Flight 77: 64
Number of passengers on Flight 93: 45
Number of people lost at the Pentagon: 125 (55 being Military Personnel)
Number of people that remain listed as missing: 24
Number of firefighters and paramedics killed: 343
Number of NYPD officers: 23
Number of Port Authority police officers: 37
Number of employees who died in Tower One: 1,402
Number of employees who died in Tower Two: 614
Number of employees lost at Cantor Fitzgerald: 658
Number of U.S. troops killed in Operation Enduring Freedom: 22
Number of people who lost a spouse or partner in the attacks: 1,609
Estimated number of children who lost a parent: 3,051

I remember !

I keep hearing about the 9/11 "accident". An accident implies that it might have been an pilot error, no, maybe the pilot was taking a bathroom break and the co-pilot was changing the station on the radio and didn't see the big gigantic towers in front of him. Not an "accident" people.

I remember!

I remember that there are people out there that hate America. Hate us with a passion. That's why we are over in Afghanistan and Iraq. Not to tap into their vast oil fields or to steal there goats. I hate that Americans are over there. I hate that Americans die and are hurt over there as well. I find solace in the fact that Al Qaeda is getting there buttocks handed to them regularly. Lets hope that Congress "in the infinite wisdom" lets the military do their job.

And on a side note. Whats up with Chairwoman Lee (D-CA) and Chairman Rush (D-IL)? "We just love Fidel Castro", "He is such a nice man". Are they crazy? Why don't we all just invite him over for bar-b-que and let him talk to us about how to become a Marxist. And while were at it, lets take a trip to Englewood, New Jersey and have a camp out with Moammar Gadhafi. INSANE!


Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Beck and Van Jones

I am glad Van Jones is out. This great big public display was a good thing. I could care less about the fact that he clearly appears racist towards white folks. I could probably even overlook the fact that he believed that 911 was perpetrated by the Bush administration. My beef was that you had a self proclaimed communist running areas of the White House that he had no business running. To have that kind of access to the president with no oversight is insane. I am curious who else is lurking at the White Castle?

As far as Beck goes.... Don't like him. I don't know what it is, but I am glad he is out there exposing these knuckleheads. I would call this stuff newsworthy. But you don't see it on many other news shows..... HHhhhhmmmmm!


Saturday, September 5, 2009

Obama wants to talk to my kid..... yeah, that will happen.

So now Abomination (I mean Obama'nation) wants to have a heart to heart with my kid.

I teach my kids not to talk to strangers and if I teach my kids that, I expect strangers not to confront my kids as well. That only seems fair.

I called the Superintendent of Education for the county and they had already received almost a thousand call that morning about the Obama school speech. I found that kind of cool. I am glad the school is electing not to show the Presidents "speech". Good for you guys!


Friday, September 4, 2009

Here's one for ya....

I was listening to a talk radio show while waiting in line to pick up someone. A lady called in and stated that she has been harassed for her beliefs and someone broke into her vehicle last night and destroyed her Glen Beck book. I believe that they left some Pro Obama graffiti on the book as well.

Its call a "Hate Crime" people. I believe the FBI calls it "any bias-motivated offenses directed at persons, property, or society." If someone commits an offense or a crime against you because of a political reason it is a hate crime, period. That would constitute a "Bias Motivated Offense".


Thursday, September 3, 2009

Obama's Nazi, I mean, Youth Brigade

Has anyone read this?

It's called the H.R. 1388 "GIVE" Bill. This is insane to say the least. Lets start a Nazi'esqe youth organization here in America. That sounds like a great idea.

Part of it reads:
(a) Prohibited Activities- A participant in an approved national service position under this subtitle may not engage in the following activities:`
(1) Attempting to influence legislation.`
(2) Organizing or engaging in protests, petitions, boycotts, or strikes.`
(3) Assisting, promoting, or deterring union organizing.`
(4) Impairing existing contracts for services or collective bargaining agreements.`
(5) Engaging in partisan political activities, or other activities designed to influence the outcome of an election to any public office.`
(6) Participating in, or endorsing, events or activities that are likely to include advocacy for or against political parties, political platforms, political candidates, proposed legislation, or elected officials.`
(7) Engaging in religious instruction, conducting worship services, providing instruction as part of a program that includes mandatory religious instruction or worship, constructing or operating facilities devoted to religious instruction or worship, maintaining facilities primarily or inherently devoted to religious instruction or worship, or engaging in any form of religious proselytizion.`

Is this not retarded? Why not support the Boy Scouts? They teach patriotism and they still allow you to go to any "religious" events.

They took it out because of all of the backlash and reinserted it further down in the bill. Lets be sneaky and hide it....


Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Here is a short one for you..............

Just because you were not convicted of being a child molester, doesn't mean that you aren't one...... He was a talented musician. Thats it! Other than that he was a freak show. Paying off a victims family doesn't mean you innocent.... Get real!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Who am I?

I'd like to think that I have a pretty open mind when it comes to politics. I would probably align my views on the side of conservatism on most topics. I know both sides of the political field back bite and call each other names. That's just how it is. But it seems funny to me that all during the Bush years, the democrats wouldn't let up a bit in dogging him out. Everything he did was just amazingly idiotic according to the left. And now that a democrat is in office, they can't believe how much grief the right is throwing at him. Hey, if you can't take the heat.........

I also hear the racist card thrown up a lot. Being a white, heterosexual cop, I have had my share of being called a racist. It don't matter what color you are when you break your girlfriends jaw...Your going to jail. I could also care less what color a presidential candidate is come election time. If he is good for the country and will be a leader, then more power to him (or her). We need a good leader. Not someone who goes around the world apologizing to foreign leaders for the "bad behavior" of Americans. I don't need anyone apologizing for me, thank you. If I need to apologize for something, I'll do it myself.

I'm sorry, I got off topic a little. I'll post more later..... PEACE!

Saturday, August 29, 2009

National Police / Security Force?

Whats up with this?

We're going to create some kind of national police force as big, powerful and well-funded as our combined U.S. military forces. Is that really what we need? If Local, County, State and Federal Law Enforcement is not enough, why does the Government always cut funding and grants to Law Enforcement.

I have other issues with this also. Has anyone ever heard of The Night of the Long Knives or Operation Hummingbird? June and July of 1934 was probably not a good time to be a police in Nazi Germany. Its just scary what is going on with the country.... SCARY!

And how about this Cybersecurity Bill S. 773. Lets give one person absolute power to take away our Constitutionally protected right to free speech. INSANE!


Friday, August 28, 2009

My thoughts on Kennedy.

Am I sad that Senator Ted Kennedy passed away?

Not as much as I'm sad that there is a family in Mobile, AL that is missing a little two year old daughter because of some idiot that decided to run from the police and run into the car she and her mom was in. I understand that Senator Kennedy did a lot for America (even though I didn't like him or agree with his position on a lot of things), but he did live a fairly long life. That is something this little girl was denied because of a stupid, stupid idiot of a man that decided to run from the police over a little pot and some old parking tickets. I am more upset at the loss of this little one than I am of Kennedy.

As far as the Chappaquiddick incident that he was involved in. I do believe that he should have been charged, at minimum, with criminally negligent homicide if not murder for the death of Mary Jo Kopechne. So you have a wreck and the person that you were with is in a vehicle, upside down and under water. You leave and pass by several houses where you could have called the police and walk back to the house where you came from and come back, supposedly, with someone else from the party to try and get her out, all the while wondering if she may still be alive.

........That's retarded. But, that's not what happened. Teddy got s slap on the wrist and lived out the rest of his life doing what he does.

Now lets see if the Nationalized Health Care Reform gets named after Senator Kennedy. Also retarded.

Mrs. Marks. You and your family are in my prayers for the loss of your little one.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

What is happening?

What is going on with this country?

I am amazed at how far we've lowered ourselves in the name of change. This is pathetic. Where do I even start? I am glad people are waking up and letting the government know what they are thinking.

I am glad that Obamacare is not in place right now. I enjoy spending time with my old sickly father. Thanks to modern medicine I can still sit with him and enjoy our conversations. Under the new healthcare death panels he would probably be denied treatments that he needs because his condition is somewhat terminal.

Also kudos to our brave soldiers overseas. Keep up the fight and watch your back. And to the CIA... Keep doing what you do. I don't see an issue in waterboarding a TERRORIST who wants nothing better that to kill inocent Americans. If is saves lives that keep on dunkin.

Oh well, enough for now.