I was actually accused today of being a hate mongering psycho.....Me? Wow, that was a first. So, I thought that I would just set the record straight. And just in case anyone is listening.
Being a heterosexual Christian white cop in the south, I sometime get accused of being some sort of power hungry racist or something. But, contrary to the beliefs of some dirt bag who is riding in the back of my patrol car because he decided to partake in the occupational field of street side pharmaceutical service and sale, thinks I'm a stupid racist cop.
Well for one, I am not racist. I could care less about what color you are. Don't believe me? Tough! You'll just have to take my word for it. Or you could ask my friends. They are not all cops, but they are not all white either.
I don't hate homosexuals. They are wrong, but I don't hate them. If that's what you want, then I don't want to know about it. I don't personally care what you do behind closed doors. And that's where that topic needs to stay. Not is public school where Safe School Czar Kevin Jennings wants to put it. I am raising my kids fine, thank you very much. I don't need that kind of help.
What am I then? Well, I am a Christian White Cop. You got me on that one. I am also a Father who wants his kids to grow up in a place like he grew up in. The "Land of the Free' and "Home of the Brave". Not the land of Socialism. Not the land of the government hand out. Give me a break. I don't want my kids to be slaves. And it appears that America is heading in that direction.
Maybe I am just a dumb cop from Alabama. It all just seems a little retarded to me. If my cars engine needs to be repaired, I am not going to spend money that I do not have to put environmentally friendly window tint on or buy a bunch of save to tree pine tree scented rearview mirror thingy's. I'm going to repair the freaking engine.
But that's what the government is doing. They are throwing so much money at stupid stuff that we are rapidly approaching who know what.
I am a American. I am a Patriot. I love this country. If I wanted socialism, I would go to China or, maybe...... hhhhmmmm.... North Korea. If you want socialism than take a hike.
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” That's what its all about. And Government is here to run it in the ground, right? NO! Government is here to secure those rights.
So, get out there and get a job Mr. Street Side Pharmaceutical Service and Sales Person. I mean a real job. Raise your kids away from that life. Teach them respect. Teach them what honor is. Teach them what is really means to be an American.
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