Let me start by saying that I don't have a personal problem with someone who chooses to believe in Islam. My problem lies in the fact that a majority of Islamic Terrorist are practitioners of Islam and want to kill me. I have a big problem with that and take it very personal. Anyway, back to topic.... I believe that any religion that wants to practice has a right to worship anywhere they can afford to build their church or mosque or temple. I believe that the right to have religious freedom covers that. I also think that peace loving Muslims need to start keeping their brothers in check. Cause it is guys like these that are giving Islam an bad name.
One of the 911 conspirators,
A whole gang of Al Qaeda tards.
Mr. Personality himself..... Freak!
Didn't he have a bomb in his shoe or something? Smart..
The Ft. Hood crack head..
I do however think it is a stupid idea to build a mosque at Ground Zero. Build it on the other side of New York. There are already more than 100 mosques in New York and the area around Ground Zero is not a residential area so its not like they will be ministering to the neighbors. If you are trying to build bridges to heal the community then don't build the dang mosque right there. You'll be pissing in everyone's cornflakes.
If I were Muslim and wanted to convert people to my way of thinking, I think I might be a little concerned that building a mosque where many Americans died in the name of the religion I was promoting. I a bunch of Christians raided a mosque and killed a bunch of folks, people would be raising immortal cane.
I also know that most major news outlets (NBC, CBS, MSNBC, ABC, CNN) don't show this anymore. But, let us remember what radicalized Islam did on September 11th. Just a stones throw away from where they now want to build an "outreach center".
Lets here it for Allah..............................................................................................
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