"To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead."
Thomas Paine

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Anyone Appleseed?

If you have not attended an Appleseed Project event..... Stop what ever you are doing and go to their website.  Find the next event near you and register to attend.  Bring you wife or husband.  Bring your kids.  Bring your grandparents.  Bring your neighbors, church congregation, co workers.... anyone you can get your hands on.  It is that awesome.

It is completely and totally awesome. Go. Do it Now!

1 comment:

oldvet53 said...

Is anyone a OathKeeper? I took my oath many years ago and last time I checked it didn'e come with a experation date! the left portray's the OathKeepers as a militia but then again the President has declaired all Veterans as Domestic Terrorist. i urge anyone interested to check them out at OathKeeper.org