"To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead."
Thomas Paine

Monday, June 27, 2011

Hey ATF.... Lets sell guns to illegal aliens. Thats a great idea.

My what a tangled web we weave...................

The Truth About Gun Walker
Did the Washington Post inadvertently provide a smoking gun?
by John Hayward

Earlier this week, the Washington Post ran a hit piece on Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA), chairman of the House Oversight committee, designed to imply – without evidence – that Issa was aware of “Operation Fast and Furious” all along. That would be the astonishing Alcohol, Tobacco, & Firearms operation that deliberately flooded Mexico with American guns, and which Issa’s committee has been investigating.

The thinking behind planting such a story is almost as appalling as the “Gun Walker” scandal itself. If the story was true, and Issa had been aware of Operation Fast and Furious during its execution, would that make it somehow… excusable? In other words, the Congressman’s hypocrisy would be of greater interest than an Administration initiative that killed over 150 people, including a U.S. Border Patrol agent?

According to Bob Owens of Pajamas Media, his sources confirm this piece “had been shopped around to other news outlets and blogs by the Obama administration since the House Oversight Committee hearings last week.” Everyone except the Post took a pass.

Owens’ colleague at Pajamas Media, Hans A. von Spakovsky, today brings us a story that shows this isn’t the first time the Washington Post has either been duped by the Administration, or willingly served its ends, in the Gun Walker scandal.

It might also be one of the first “smoking guns,” if you’ll pardon the phrase, that sheds light on the true purpose of Operation Fast and Furious.

“On December 13, 2010,” von Spakovsky relates, “the Post ran a story about U.S. gun dealers with ‘the most traces for firearms recovered by police.’” This story included “the names of the dealers, all from border states, with the most traces from guns recovered in Mexico over the past two years.”

The point of this story was to assail a law passed in 2003 that shields the government’s gun tracking database from public view, and convey the impression that a lot of guns were illegally flowing over the border to be used in Mexican crimes. The Post made a point of reminding readers how this law was passed “under pressure from the gun lobby.”

Because of the very law its reporters were carping about, the Post would need to have obtained the data for its story either from an ATF leaker, or by hacking the ATF database, which von Spakovsky notes is “a far-fetched and highly unlikely scenario.” You would think the ATF would have become very upset, had its legally protected database been compromised by hackers, and the information used to generate a five-page story in the Washington Post. A leak is far more likely.

I know what you’re thinking, and you’re right about where this is going. Just wait until the end of the story before you pop a blood vessel.

“Two of the gun dealers the Post’s story assailed were Lone Wolf Trading Co. in Glendale and J&G Sales in Prescott, Ariz.,” reports von Spakovsky. “Lone Wolf Trading is number one on the list for Mexican traces; J&G is number three.”

There is one more important fact about Lone Wolf Trading Company and J&G Sales that you need to know. Would you like to guess what it is?

That’s right: they were both participating in Operation Fast and Furious. In other words, they were Number One and Number Three on the list of Mexican gun traces, because the ATF wanted them to let guns “walk” across the border. In a Fox News interview, the owner of J&G Sales specifically stated the ATF instructed him to “keep selling” guns to drug cartel front men.

The Post story was published the day before Border Patrol agent Brian Terry was murdered with a Gun Walker weapon, an event that prompted sheer panic among the geniuses running the operation at the ATF, according to recent House Oversight testimony. This was also around the time congressional Democrats and the Administration were heavily pushing a fabricated statistic that 90% of the guns used in Mexican crime come from U.S. gun stores.

Connect the dots: a story that almost certainly required information leaked by the ATF, in a paper noted for its friendliness to the Administration, was used to build the case that lax American gun control laws are contributing to Mexican gun crimes, when the ATF was secretly running a program that deliberately pushed American guns into the hands of Mexican cartels, without any serious plan to track them, until they were used in the commission of crimes.

Now, take an educated guess what the true purpose of Operation Fast & Furious was.

John Hayward is a staff writer for HUMAN EVENTS, and author of the recently published Doctor Zero: Year One. Follow him on Twitter: Doc_0. Contact him by email at jhayward@eaglepub.com.

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