"To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead."
Thomas Paine

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Safe School "Czar" Kevin Jennings... Are you kidding?

Has anyone heard the latest from Safe School Czar Kevin Jennings (appointed by the Obamanation)? He seems to think that public schools are forcefully indoctrinating our kids on heterosexuality. Are you kidding? He said Romeo and Juliet and school proms were used to basically brainwash kids into being straight.

I have a better idea. Keep your crazy ideals away from my kids. If you want to be a homosexual than that's on you. Don't try to make me think that its not wrong and stop kidding yourself. You are wrong. Stop making excuses on how or why you are right because you are not. If you are gay then I wish you the best in life, but you are still wrong. Don't push you ideas and views on me or my kids. I don't push my redneck white police officer ideas on you. Ethics and Morals have a place in my house and I'll take my kids out of public school before I let some nut job fill their heads with something I don't approve of.

And that's my job, to raise moral and ethical kids. That's not the job of the school. Reading Writing and Arithmatic. History and Science. Band, Football, Sports or whatever is your job. And Mr. Safe School Czar Kevin Jennings, it's your job to find way to make kids "SAFE" at school. I would consider that to be keeping kids safe from bullying or violence.

Lets take ethics or morality out of the equation for a minute. Biologically speaking, human reproductive systems only operate a certain way. It takes a man and a woman to make this work, no matter which way you look at it. Even if you have a homosexual couple that want a kid..... lets say for arguments sake, two women..... Invetrofertiliztion still requires a male.

Again, if you want to be wrong, just be wrong and don't try and convert me to your way of thinking.

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