"To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead."
Thomas Paine

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Here it comes guys.....

This past monday, an IED (improvised explosive device) was found on a bridge that connects Mexico and the United States. Why was this not reported be the media? I`ll tell you why. Because the US Media sucks. If you don`t think this kind of crap is not coming to the US then you are fooling yourself. Bring our service men and women home and post up on the border. This country has to wake up. WAKE UP!

Friday, April 22, 2011

Senator McCain, Sir. You are crazy.

I just heard that Sen. John McCain is over in Lybia talking to the "rebels" who happen to not be alqeda. Why in the name of zeuses posterior are we getting more and more involved with this crap?

I am nobody and I can see that this is going to be bad for our country. Get out of Lybia! Get out of Iraq! Get out of Afganistan! Bring our Service Men and Women back and put a few of the on the border.

Oh how I long for an Honorable Man to step up to the plate and give good leadership to the American ship that is drifting closer and closer to destruction.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


What is the deal with Arizona Republican Governor Jan Brewer. She just vetoed two bills in the State of Arizona. One bill required proof of US citizenship before a candidate would be allowed on the state ballot. This would be a bad law how? She said that she did not support designating one person as the gatekeeper to the ballot for a candidate. Well right now there is apparently no gatekeeper. It looks like any Barack, Hussein or Obama can just run of the Office of the President of the United States of America.

Here is my issue with the whole birth certificate thing. I am required to show my birth certificate when I apply for a job. My kids were required to show a birth certificate when they tried out for little league baseball. If I am required to show my birth certificate for these tiny, not very important event, why then is the President held (or not held) to the same standard.

The other bill she vetoed was in regards to the ability to carry concealed at schools. I will comment on that later.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Smokin the mary jane.

I just listened to a report on the news saying that we need to legalize pot because we cant track the energy used to grow the plant indoors. The are saying that it comes down to global warming. That is about retarded. Look if you want to legalize it, give me a better reason other than that.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Obama, Trashing Republicans, Thought His Mic Was Off? Oh, Sure...

I read a Rolling Stone article about the Prez making a few comments at a fundraiser and not realizing that his mic was still on.. Yeah right.  That joker knew.  He just called out the Republicans.  He might as well have said..... "you ain't nuthin"  or "you think your feeble attempts at controlling the new healthcare law by cutting the funding will work.... Ha, Ha, Ha...... Give into the darkside.  Let the evil flow through you."  Wait, I got off track. 

Really though.  Sounds to me like he is doing a little trash talk aimed at republicans and tea party types.  Are you going to put up with that crap?  2012 is coming up quick and I saw lets vote the bozo out along with any other moron that is driving this country into the ground.  

It is funny (kind of on a different note) though the little twists in how the news gets spun.  Like for instance healthcare is probably going to waste trillions or bazillions of taxpayer dollars.  Well the Prez said that to stop the new healthcare debacle would cost taxpayer a trillion dollars.  Well I am no accountant but I think killing the healthcare crap law would cost a whole lot less in the long run.... I'm just saying. 

Also the Mrs. Connie who commented on the article said something very true... 

"Democrats and Republicans pander to special interests for their campaign money. Democrats from unions and trial lawyers, and Republicans from business."
While I think that is not an accurate representation across the board, I do think it has merits.  I would like to offer to both parties a special interest.... How about taking a "special interest" in the United States of America and her Constitution.  How about looking out for her people and interests.  Get a job slackers............

Are you serious Mr. Obuma?

I just hear where Obuma is claiming to have created 1.8 million jobs. I call that a lie. The fact that you have hired a million new government workers doesn't counteract the fact that millions are currently out of work in the private sector. I pray that a man or woman will step up to the plate next election and show what a patriotic statesman is capably od doing for this country, instead of trying to run it into the ground.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

This is good to know.....

The Zombie Bite Calculator
Created by Oatmeal

I don't know if thats good or bad.

Since I am already talking about it.......

Let me ask you a question.  What in the hell is going on with this?

It is called Chrislam..... Apparently Pastor Rick Warren of Saddleback Community Church in Orange County California has snuggled right up to the muslims.  Does anyone see an issue with this.  I see where several pastors and churches have jumped on the hellwagon.  You have got to be smoking pot.  I am just amazed at how some people will just cozy right up to a wolverine while wearing a t-bone.  It is just asking for trouble, not to mention how against the bible it is.

While we are at it...... lets just copy and paste shiria law over the Constitution.  Some people think that we can coexist.  I believe that we can too.  They just need to stay on their side of the pond and not try to blow anything up on this side. 

I am not all bad though.  I can coexist with the best of em'.  I have no problem with any of the below mentioned firearms.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Here is a spitfire for you. Preach it Sister!

Since I am on the topic of Insane Islamic Terrorist. I found this and found it interesting. She apparently knows what she wants to say and makes no bones about saying it.

 A definite expression of free speech. 

Monday, April 4, 2011

Pastor Terry Jones Receives Death Threats After Koran Burning

While I am not a fan of Pastor Terry Jones, I do think he was within his right to free speech when he burned the koran last month. Like I say I am not a fan and I personally would not have done it because of what is happening. Now you got every terrorist Tom, Dick and Harry over in the middle east killing each other because he disgraced the "holy" koran.

Here is my two cents....... As long as these people burn Bibles, then the koran is fair game. You don't want your holy book burned, then don't burn mine. That principal can be applied to all kinds of things.

Wow and that looks like an American Flag to me as well...... You don't want your holy book burned....... Leave my Flag alone as well.