"To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead."
Thomas Paine

Monday, September 3, 2012

I'm back!

Well, I have been a wee bit busy since my last post. I also noticed that its been almost a year and the my last lost was on September 11th of last year. It has been a wild year and I am honored to have a new addition to the house. She joined us in December and is a little reddish blond ray of sunshine. As we close in to this very important election year, I look over what has transpired over the last four. Never in any other time in American history has so much happens in a negative way towards a individual Americans rights, never has the debt been so high with no relief in sight and a president pushing the gas peddle to make it even worse. It seems that both the president and Congress have decided that we as individual Americans don't really matter anymore. I say to them...kiss off. I truely hope and pray that we can right the wrongs that we as a nation of individual Americans have allowed to happen. And make no mistake, we have allowed this. We allowed this through countless years of being silent. How about we break that trend.

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