"To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead."
Thomas Paine

Monday, April 4, 2011

Pastor Terry Jones Receives Death Threats After Koran Burning

While I am not a fan of Pastor Terry Jones, I do think he was within his right to free speech when he burned the koran last month. Like I say I am not a fan and I personally would not have done it because of what is happening. Now you got every terrorist Tom, Dick and Harry over in the middle east killing each other because he disgraced the "holy" koran.

Here is my two cents....... As long as these people burn Bibles, then the koran is fair game. You don't want your holy book burned, then don't burn mine. That principal can be applied to all kinds of things.

Wow and that looks like an American Flag to me as well...... You don't want your holy book burned....... Leave my Flag alone as well.

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